ARB 576 MHz/16 bits NoiseGen for the expert
The ARB 576 is a cost-effective accurate high-end 2- or 4-port 16-bits Arbitrary Noise Generator for complex and dynamic testing of sophisticated algorithms, signal integrity, recovery and next generation broadband transmission schemes used in many different applications. The product comes with a high-end balun for unbalanced 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm to a balanced 100 Ohm for wireline networks. The ARB 576 is the perfect solution when testing MiMo transmission devices, multi-pair Vectoring in cable bundles, FSK and time division duplexing technology like 212 MHz with speed up to 2 Gbps per port, of 4 Gbps when bonding is applied. This new concept is an open platform that allows the broadband expert to load noises that are upfront created in software (Python, Matlab, csv), even including test scenario's that require use test cases with several consecutive noise generation steps: sine waves, different types of impulses, white Gaussian noises, RFI signals can be created and manipulated off-line or on the fly in real-time during testing. The ARB signals can be injected on electricity cables, different types of PoE networks as well as on remote powered telecom networks acc. ETSI 524 (Cl2) with the special purpose unique noise injector fully transparent when no noise is activated, and without loss of transmission signal under test - avoiding the use like power combiners and splitters that introduce signal loss - typically 3dB per wire, as well as impedance variations that mask the true signal behaviour.
- High signal output level / 16 bit DAC
- simultaneous noise to dual port generator
- open programmable noise banks
- different formats Json, csv, . .
- compatible with Python, Matlab program files
- controllable with Labview, ICL, . . commands
- Transparent for Reverse Power Feeding / Electricty networks / PoE / PLC / . .
- Broad range of applications from 15 kHz to 240 MHz
- Compact all in one solution for the broadband expert
- Different baluns and noise injectors available
- > 35 years of experience in analog/digital signal processing
- Broadband range from 15 kHz to 240 MHz
- Balanced 100 Ohm for noise injection on twisted pair
- Testing funtional and interoperability of modems and DPU's/DSLAM's
- Defining Performance of broadband connection under variable use cases
- Mimic realistic noises present in deployed networks
- Generate Arbitrary Noise on PoE and Electricity networks
- simulate any xDSL legacy network / noise / Use Case / Deployment scenario
- G. fast 212 MHz testing with Reverse Power Feeding
- Test any ITU T / IEEE and other standard within given frequency band
- Test effect of Radio Frequency Interference
- Generate White Gaussion Noise over entire frequency band
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